
下周活动预告 | 美国2016年总统大选对中国意味着什么?

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America's 2016 Election: Implications for China


           上午 9:30 - 11:00


           远洋光华国际 AB座6层





American political trends point to a more confrontational posture toward Beijing. The next US president will have to exercise sound judgement in order to ensure balanced relations with a rising and more ambitious China in a time when economic nationalism in the West is surging. The US presidential election will pit populist Republican Donald Trump against the more conventional Democrat Hillary Clinton. A victory by either candidate will have different implications that could impact US-China relations, including the environment for US corporations doing business in China.

The world’s two largest economies are experiencing rising tensions over trade and influence in Asia right as the United States approaches a convoluted presidential election. The purpose of this event is to inform multinational companies about each candidate’s likely China policy after the election, and how they can better prepare for what is coming.


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