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CCXI UpgradesThailand's Ratings to Ag- from BBBg+ with Stable Outlook 


Beijing, March 8—China Chengxin International Credit Rating Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as CCXI) announced that it would upgrade the sovereign credit rating of Thailand to Ag- from BBBg+, outlook stable.


中诚信国际认为,:(1)近年来泰国经济增速加快;(2)政府财政赤字情况逐年向好;(3)对外偿付能力持续增强。同时,值得关注的因素主要包括:(1)国内政局的不稳定性;(2)家庭债务偏高;(3) “中等收入陷阱”问题长期存在。

CCXI’s decision to upgrade Thailand’s rating was driven by the following factors: firstly, Thailand’s economic growth has further accelerated in recent years; secondly, government financial deficit is narrowing year-on-year; thirdly, external solvency keeps strengthening.On the other hand, attention should be paid to the factors below: firstly, thestability of domestic political situation remains uncertain; secondly,household debt is on the high side; thirdly, long standing “middle income trap”.


With moderate economic strength and diversified economic structure, Thailand’s economic growth has further accelerated in recent years. Thailand’s real GDP growths remain around 3% inlate years except for 2014, and the ratio rises up to 3.2% in 2016. The development of service industry and the government's strong support for infrastructure constructions have become the driving forces of Thailand's economic growth. Thanks to the booming tourism industry, income growth from service industry has remained steady. In addition, Thailand's inflation level has been low and stable, within the target range of 0%-1% since 2014. However,CCXI will keep focusing on the low GDP per capita and the long-standing"middle-income trap" in Thailand.


Thailand’s government financial deficit is improving year-on-year, and the debt burden is still manageable. Thai’s general government financial balance to GDP ratios have long been -1% to -2%, which display a downward trend since 2014. Faster government revenues growth compared with increasing expenditures has supported contractions of government financial deficit to GDP ratios, showing a moderate narrowing of 0.8% in 2016. We expect the government to continue running a fiscal deficit in 2017, since the government announced the extension of free state education in 2016 and more measures will be enacted aimed at supporting the agricultural sector in early 2017. But Thailand’s fiscal strength remains stronger than comparably ratedpeers. Thailand’s general government debt to GDP ratios remain about 30% inrecent years. Although debt ratios have continued to climb moderately under the military government since 2014 and will keep going up in 2017, debt still remains affordable.


Thailand’s external solvency keeps strengthening, and foreign exchange reserves will be sufficient for a long time. The current account has recorded surpluses for three consecutive years to 2016. Benefits from its positive export growth for the first time and reduced demands for imported products, Thailand’s current account balance continues to grow in 2016. Thailand’s foreign exchange reserve is abundant in the long run with USD 197.7 billion by the end of 2016, which remains well-positioned relative to Ag--rated peers. Sufficient foreign exchange reserve will provide adequate buffers for potential international financial turbulence.


However, Thailand’s domestic political risk is moderate. Whether military government and the new king will propup Thai’s economic development and keep political stability remains uncertain. Meanwhile, there has been a slowdown on Thai’s household debt burden. The ratio of household debt to GDP falls from 85.9% in 2014 to 81.0% in 2016, showing that financial institutions are more cautious about newly issued debts, which somehow eases the anxiety over the stability of financial system.


The credit rating may be upgraded for the following factors in the future: a long-term improvement in the political climate, a return to pre-political crisis trend economic growth rates by implementations of effective stimulus policies, or progress in managing household leverage to control high risk effectively.


The credit rating may be down graded for the following factors in the future: a renewed escalation of political conflict, resulting in significant and potentially long-lasting effects on Thailand’s economy, or a significant rise in household debt, which would increase liquidity risk on the stability of Thailand’s financial system.


中诚信集团(CCX)始创于1992年, 是国内第一家也是规模最大、业务范围最广泛、信誉最好、资质最完备的评级机构。主要从事银行间市场、交易所市场及信贷市场资信评级业务。此外,旗下中诚信亚太公司(CCXAP)在2012年获香港证监会颁发的第十类受规管业务牌照,在香港及亚太地区提供信贷评级服务。


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