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“你们都会喜欢活力充沛的 Kim,和文质彬彬的 Vincent!我们今次特别用心准备这新的课程,希望你们有一个好的学习经验,多给我们课后的意见,让我们做得更好。”


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我们的课程从Overview of International Commercial Arbitration开始。国际商事争端解决有各种各样的途径,其中有较为人熟知的国际商事仲裁,还有调解、谈判等。而在Kim的介绍中,我则第一次接触到另一种争端解决方式:Adjudication。在Adjudication的途径下,当事人在第三方的主持下沟通解决争议,如若最后双方对第三方的裁判结果不满,还可以另行仲裁。Adjudication更像是Mediation 与Arbitration中和之下的产物,没有如仲裁一样严格的程序,裁判结果也并非终局。普通法系之下的Adjudication,对大陆法系背景下习惯于诉讼或仲裁两种主要争端解决方式的我们来说,是一个新鲜名词。于是下课之后,不少同学都围住Kim,跟她探讨有关Adjudication的内容。Kim很欣赏大家的热情,与大家边讨论边散步至吃饭的地方,还连连说:“看来又要有一批热爱国际商事仲裁的人了!”




虽然不同法系之下商事仲裁的特点和规定不甚相同,但“问渠那得清如许,为有源头活水来”和“实践出真知”的案例教学法,看来却是到处都通用的。这次课程的一半时间,我们都在进行case study。课堂被分为三组,每组由一位大律师负责,通过实际案例探讨调解与仲裁的不同、当事人不同但案件事实有联系的的两个调解/仲裁能否合并等问题。大律师们引导着同学们畅所欲言各抒己见,而这些问题大多也并无唯一确定答案,在发表自己观点的同时接受经验丰富的大律师的指点,聆听他们在实务中面临难题时怎么选择更为明智和性价比高的做法,才是最令人享受的。



值得一提的是:上课时候尽管三位大律师各有分工,每人负责讲授一个主题,但在一位大律师讲授时,其他两位大律师也全程站在一旁。比如carry全场的气场一姐谭大,就经常在讲到某些知识点时,随口说上一句“Kim/Vincent,I think you can introduce how it works in your experience”, 这时Kim和Vincent就会及时参与进来,为大家分享他们在实务中的经验。全天六个小时的课程,三位大律师就这样一直站在讲台上,为的就是可以随时互相补充,尽可能多地为同学们讲授更全面的知识。这让我很敬佩,也很感动。


那日午餐时,几位大律师一直称赞同学们学习的热情和努力,并一再表示“你们未来一定会是优秀的法律人才”。席间与大律师们亲切的交谈,更使我为他们身上所散发出的独特魅力所感染。那是一种自信的、对所做之事业有无上热爱并愿意为之付出的、活力满满的魅力。我们都知道律师是与人打交道的职业,观察人、学习人、揣摩人、打败人,是律师的职业需要。在成为一个good lawyer之前,要先学会做一个good person。而在与大律师们的学习中,我们既能汲取到fresh knowledge,又能感受到作为一个good lawyer所必需的个人素养与职业精神,不得不说是很幸运。


在这次课之后的一节课上,同样来自澳大利亚的香港大律师Julian向大家抛出了这样一个问题:What is the joy of International Commercial Arbitration?






WinnieTam SC

Winnie Tam SC is abarrister in private practice and a Senior Counsel of the Hong Kong Bar.  She served as the Chairman of the Hong KongBar Association between January 2015 to January 2017. She was also admitted topractise as a barrister in England and Wales, and as a barrister and solicitorin Singapore and the Australian Capital Territory. She practices from Des VoeuxChambers in civil and commercial law with an emphasis on intellectualproperty. 


Winnie wasappointed Senior Counsel by the Chief Justice of HKSAR in 2006. In 2015, shewas appointed as a Recorder of the Court of First Instance, High Court of theHong Kong SAR. In her capacity as a Deputy High Court Judge and Recorder, shehas been adjudicating on civil matters of all natures. She is fully bilingualin Chinese and English.


Winnie is a panelarbitrator of the HKIAC’s Intellectual Property Specialist Panel, a member ofthe Expert Committee of the Hi-tech and IP Arbitration Committee of the SouthChina International Arbitration Commission (SCIA), and a panel arbitrator ofSCIA.


Winnie has beenappointed presiding arbitrator and co-arbitrator in cases involvinginternational commercial and joint-venture disputes, international intellectualproperty disputes, and foreign investment disputes in the PRC.  She has been appointed as arbitrator inarbitrations to be conducted in both English and Chinese.  She has acted as leading counsel in arbitrationsand court actions in aid of arbitration.


KimM Rooney


Kim is an arbitrator,barrister and mediator in Hong Kong. Kim is also admitted to practice as asolicitor in England and Wales and as a barrister and solicitor in WesternAustralia.


Kim is a member ofthe Council of the Hong Kong Bar Association and Chair of its International, analternate member of the ICC’s International Court of Arbitration (for HongKong). Kim is the Chair of the Hong Kong Law Reform Commission’s Sub-committeeon Third Party Funding for Arbitration.


Kim is aninternational arbitrator on various panels including of APRAG, CIETAC, HKIAC,KLRCA, SCIA and SIAC. She is also a fellow of ACICA. Among other roles Kimserves on the Hong Kong Department of Justice’s Advisory Committee on thePromotion of Arbitration and Committee on Provision of Space in the Legal Hub.She was a Senior Expert in ADR in an EU funded public sector project inIndonesia (2013-2016). She regularly judges mooting competitions in Hong Kong,the mainland and around Asia.



Vincent Chiu

Vincent Chiu was called to the Bar in 2016. Priorto a career in law, Vincent studied Global Business in the Hong Kong Universityof Science and Technology (HKUST) and spent a year at Harvard University as avisiting student on scholarship. After graduation, he gained insight into thecommercial and financial world through working as an Analyst at Goldman Sachs. His switch to law has seen him obtaining the Juris Doctor degree withFirst Class Honours and subject prizes, receiving a Distinction in PCLL, andearning the BCL degree at University of Oxford.


Vincent appeared as a sole advocate in the Court of Appeal and High Court.  He frequently appeared in various typesof interlocutory and enforcement matters. On the arbitration front, he has alsoappeared as a led junior in a 5-day arbitration trial (HKIAC rules) and as the Presiding Arbitrator’s assistant in a 3-day arbitration (HKIAC rules). 




专业方向:2015级法律硕士 国际商法方向 


“Be yourself. Everyone else is already taken.”



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