
俄罗斯哥们儿的“东方Bass”:Chuck Upbeat “Lao Kick/Sheng It”

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在《Do Hits Vol.2》中贡献了“Dragon's Tail”的俄罗斯哥们儿Chuck Upbeat近期又带来两首新单曲“Lao Kick”和“Sheng It”。

“Oriental Bass” is a subgenre, an idea born thanks to the musical experiments started in China by Howie Lee and his crew. A mixture of modern electronic music such as EDM, Future Bass, classic Hip-hop beats and Chinese, Japanese, Korean, Vietnamese traditional music instruments, samples, sounds and atmosphere. 

Chuck把自己的音乐风格叫做“Oriental Bass”东方低音,称其受到中国Howie Lee等人影响,混合了EDM,Future Bass,Hip-hop等风格,以及来自中国、日本、韩国、越南的传统声音采样。

去年4月他发行了名为“Oriental Bass”的EP,是他将亚洲风格的音乐转化成俱乐部低音节拍的首次尝试。而年底他交出两首更成熟的创作——“Lao Kick”和“Sheng It”采样了中国民乐、戏曲,你能追踪到锣鼓、笙等各种乐器的声响,又有Trap中庞大的Bassline。

俄罗斯的舞曲场景或许和中国有些类似:EDM大行其道,昂贵的主流俱乐部估计和工体MIX没什么差;也有少数的Hipster喜欢indie,Hip-hop或Trap。Chuck所感兴趣的不论Tropical Bass还是Oriental Bass,在普京大帝的国度,知道的人少之又少,推广并不是容易的事,但是他还是很乐观:“只要你吸引了他们的注意,他们还是会给你回应的。”

Chuck说他就用一台HP笔记本,制作用水果Fruity Loops,放歌用Virtual DJ,没有苹果、Ableton或者Serato。即使是在800人之多的场合,黄金时段,他也用他的HP笔记本,因为他根本不在乎别人怎么想。

Chuck Upbeat started experimenting with this sound by releasing an “Oriental Bass” EP where he showed Asian inspired music transformed into dance bass beats. The EP was a surprising thing for Global Bass scene traditionally ruled by Tropical rhythms and sounds but luckily it was greeted by many underground producers in USA, Europe and what is more important by musicians from China, Korea and Vietnam. 

The new EP is another step in this direction. Chuck Upbeat made two original Bass tracks mixing samples of traditional Chinese opera and orchestras. Practically no electronic synths were involved. Instead samples of Chinese sounds were transformed into synths. This approach makes the sound to be really unique. 
“Lao Kick” is a mixture of EDM and TRAP genres with massive bassline kick and epic Chinese orchestral samples, while “Sheng It” is a deeper thing to play on dancefloors full of Chinese drums and cymbals with classical Chinese sheng instrument. 

Global Bass genre shows that there are no genre limits in fact and a true fusion of cultures, rhythms and sounds take this music to another level! 

See you at Do Hits Party!


地点:Dada Bar, 北京市东城区鼓楼东大街206号

Lineup:Howie Lee/Sonia Calico/veeeky/Night Dives/Jason Hou/Guzz/ZHI16/Dokedo

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