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Happy Lady’s Day!


Idina Menzel 《Let It Go》

前几年,迪士尼的动画电影《冰雪奇缘》火遍全球。其中的一曲《Let It Go》更是让人印象深刻。这首音乐把Elsa内心的痛苦和挣扎表现得淋漓尽致。

 Frozen, a Disney’s master piece, was one of the must-see films several years ago. The song ‘Let It Go’ showed the pain and struggle of Queen Elsa. When she abandoned everything and excelled in the wild she could finally release her emotions. The music is so powerful that make it a most memorable song among the viewers. 

Lenka《Trouble is a Friend》

澳大利亚歌手Lenka是一个活泼明艳的少女。她的音乐轻松、欢快、简单,但又富于哲理。这与她的移民身份以及良好的家庭教育是分布开的。《Trouble is a Friend》是Lenka的代表作之一,困难好比是我们如影随形的朋友,既然摆脱不掉,不如学会相处。

Lenka Kripac, more commonly known as Lenka, is a very beautiful Australian singer living in New South Wales. Her songs are relaxing, happy, easy and with a bit of philosophy. She is extremely smart and talented that she is also a sculptor with a Bachelor’s Degree in Fine Arts. 

Beyonce 《If I Were a Boy》


Beyonce, the most famous African American singer, began her career in a girls’ group called ‘Destiny’s Child’ as lead singer. Her voice is powerful and passionate. Then she left the group and became a successful soloist. ‘If I Were a Boy’ is one of her slow songs which showed the strength of her voice and flawless techniques. 

Audrey Hepburn《Moon River》

电影《蒂凡尼早餐》的主题曲“月亮河”(Moon River)由亨利•曼西尼作曲,曾经获得奥斯卡最佳电影歌曲。影片中,优雅美丽、楚楚动人的奥黛丽•赫本坐在窗前拿着吉它的原唱,细腻地倾诉她的梦想,婉转动人,荡气回肠。

Audrey Hepburn was not only a great actress, but also a brilliant musician. She sang the theme music ‘Moon River’ for the movie ‘Breakfast at Tiffany’s’. This song also won an Oscar Award. 

Adele《Someone Like You》


Adele, one of the most celebrated British singers, has a great talent in making music. Her voice is a bit husky but recognizable which made numberless fans addicted. After breaking up with her boyfriend, her heart hurt so bad that she put her sorrow into music. And finally, everything paid off when she was reborn. 

Celine Dion《My Heart Will Go On》

席琳•迪翁1968年出生于加拿大魁北克,其母语是法语。为了成为世界顶级歌星,她开始刻苦学习英语并于1990年推出了自己首张英语专辑。1997年,她为电影《泰坦尼克号》录制片尾曲《我心永恒》,使她的歌唱事业达到顶峰。Born in Quebec Canada, Celine Dion’s mother tongue is French. The first barrier she conquered was English. In order to be a world-known singer, she learned English very hard. She sang the ending song ‘My Heart Will Go On’ for the epic movie Titanic in 1997 which led her to her most glorious moment as a singer. 

Les Misérables 《I Dreamed a Dream》

为纪念法国大文豪雨果,当代艺术家用各种艺术形式来演绎他的著名作品《悲惨世界》,音乐剧就是其中之一。在2009年4的第三季英国达人比赛中,来自苏格兰的“苏珊大妈”以《悲惨世界》中的片段《我曾有梦》征服了在场的观众和评委,成为当之无愧的励志人物。苏珊大妈于2009年11月下旬推出自己的专辑《I Dreamed A Dream》,正式出道。至今为止,这张专辑的全球销量已经超过9百万张,打破了全球多个唱片排行榜销量记录。The musical ‘Les Misérables’ was the adaption of Victor Hugo’s masterpiece. After the debut in France in 1980, this musical has been seen as the most influential musical along with Cats and The Phantom of the Opera. ‘I Dreamed a Dream’ is more of the most beautiful songs that’s ever performed in the history of musical.

Cats 《Memory》


Andrew Lloyd Webber is a British composer and wrote many famous musicals including Evita, Cats and The Phantom of the Opera, among which Cats is absolutely the best-known musical to the Chinese audience. ‘Memory’ is a famous song from Cats, some say it is sad, some say it is full of regrets, but I say it is beautiful. 

Avril Lavigne《Keep Holding on》

加拿大摇滚歌手艾薇儿是很多人的偶像。她的烟熏妆、挑染成粉色的头发和特立独行的音乐风格让无数少男少女为之疯狂。这首《Keep Holding on》是电影《龙骑士》的片尾曲,整个音乐节奏舒缓但充满力量,堪称励志金曲!

Avril Lavigne is a Canadian rock n’roll star. She was a rebellious girl and skipped school to New York and began her career as a singer. ‘Keep Holding On’ was the ending song for a young adult’s movie called ‘Eragon’. It tells a story that a farm boy accidentally got a dragon egg and became a dragon rider; he then fought valiantly against the evil with his friends and finally became a great hero. The song is as inspiring as the film which is like a shining beacon for the one who are lost. 

Sarah Brightman《Time to Say Goodbye》


Sarah Brightman is known as the Goddess of Moon. She is a legend in music that she can handle all kinds of music, from classical opera to pop, from musical to rock. ‘Time to Say Goodbye’ is among her masterpieces which is tranquil and beautiful. She has worked with a lot of musicians around the world including composer Andrew Lloyd Webber, Italian blind tenor Andrea Bocelli and Chinese singer Liu Huan. She sang the theme song ‘You and Me’ with Liu in the Opening Ceremony of Beijing Olympic Games. 

最后,再次祝大家女神节快乐!Happy Lady’s Day!


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