
Yellow Pummelo's Spa Partner: Kocoon Spa | 我们的SPA合作伙伴

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We love Kocoon spa! Not only does this Japanese-French owned spa have fantastic facials and waxing services, but Kocoon was also one of Yellow Pummelo's first partners-- by hosting us at their tranquil and serene spa for workshops in lotion making.

Kocoon Spa!我们的最爱!Kocoon不只是Yellow Pummelo的第一个合作伙伴,也是一间提供美容以及打蜡服务的日法式休闲健身中心—Yellow Pummelo很荣幸地在Kocoon休闲健身中心举办工作坊。

Order Yellow Pummelo through our Online Weidian Store--> Receive a Spa Voucher!

凡是通过微信订购Yellow Pummelo的小伙伴们都能获得SPA优惠券哦

For a limited time, whenever you make an online order at Yellow Pummelo through weidian, we will include a gift voucher to Kocoon Spa!  Enjoy either 20% off your next spa treatment or 20% off their new nail services menu.

机会来了!凡是在限定时间内通过微店订购Yellow Pummelo的小伙伴们,将会获得Kocoon Spa提供的礼品券!礼品券包括享用8折优惠的下一次水疗护理或8折优惠的指甲护理服务。

Kocoon Spa Voucher: 


Wellness Hub Partner Program

Yellow Pummelo is also proud to be a partner in Kocoon Spa's Wellness Hub. This program is perfect for any wellness enthusiast as you will

become a Kocoon VIP Mem­ber, access dis­counts on spa treat­ments as well as get spe­cial ben­e­fits from the Well­ness Hub partners, which include some of the best foreign-owned businesses in Beijing.

Wellness Hub Partner Program

Yellow Pummelo很荣幸能成为Kocoon Spa休闲健身中心的合作伙伴之一。这次的Kocoon VIP 活动可以让你成为Kocoon Spa的VIP会员;最适合健康爱好者的你了!VIP会员可享用不同的护理优惠折扣­,更能获得­­­­其他此健身中心其他合作伙伴的一些优惠,其中还包括了一些在北京的外商独资企业。

The Wellness Hub Partner Network:

Find out more about the Wellness Hub Program by clicking below:

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