
佛法是缘起法|Dependent Origination instead of Predomination of Dharma

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The truth about dependent origination is that the conditions that lead causes to effects continuously merge and diverge; the more it happens, the more likely the conditions may lead to better, purer, and greater circumstances. The main difference between the Buddha Dharma and other religious teachings lies in the doctrine of dependent origination.

外道的法是什么呢是主宰法, 认为什么人或什么神能够主宰万物这是不可能的事情佛法是缘起法不是主宰法

What do other religions teach? Many of them teach theism, which holds the belief that an omnipotent, omnipresent, and omniscient person or god(or persons or gods) dominates and controls every aspect of life. From the perspective of Buddhist teachings, it is impossible for such beings to exist.


The so-called “dependent origination” means that everything is constantly changing, is impermanent, and is transient. It is because of this transient nature that we can eradicate afflictions. Without dependent origination, there would be no change, and consequently afflictions would remain as afflictions, the enlightened would remain enlightened, and the ordinary would remain ordinary.


Every Dharma is impermanent, devoid of the concept of “self,” and transient. In the process of constant change, there is regularity because it is not haphazard. If we follow a positive direction to change ourselves and go down the right path, i.e., the path to awakening or the Bodhi path to enlightenment, we will be doing it correctly.


Otherwise, we would be doing it all wrong. All of these viewpoints require us to understand them more and more clearly. If we do not or cannot understand, we will end up, more confused as we progress in our study, that is, unable to immerse ourselves in the Dharma, and therefore unable to actualize our aims and unable to understand the true meaning of the Dharma.

Source:Understanding Life by Ven. Master Xuecheng
Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

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