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校园霸凌的英文是school bullying,把“bullying”翻译成“霸凌”,可能是继“media”翻译成“媒体”之后最为精准到位、信达雅兼备的翻译了。最近北京的校园霸凌事件可谓一波三折、众说纷纭,而霸凌其实在全世界都是普遍现象。根据统计,美国的中学生(6-12年级)有28%曾经遭到霸凌,同时有差不多数量的中学生承认曾经霸凌过自己的同学。


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Common Pitfalls in Bullying Coverage


A task force of noted journalists and experts in bullying prevention and related fields developed the chart below. Their sole goal is to help journalists avoid problems evident in current coverage.


1⃣️Overstating the problem. With so much discussion of bullying and an Internet rife with false information and misleading statistics, it can be difficult to keep the issue in perspective.


Unfortunately, a majority of bullying stories give an inaccurate picture of the prevalence of the problem. The facts are:


  • Bullying is not an epidemic. Rates of bullying nationally have not increased. There may be a local increase in bullying or awareness of bullying, but even this statement requires more reliable evidence than a few striking cases.

  • 霸凌行为并没有激增。全国发生霸凌事件的比例并没有提高。霸凌事件或者对霸凌行为的认识度在地方层面可能会有提升,但是即使这种说法也需要更加可信的证据,而不是几个令人震惊的事件。

  • Most young people do not experience or support bullying behavior.

  • 大部分年轻人并没有经历霸凌行为,也不支持霸凌。

  • Many types of aggressive behavior are in fact not bullying (e.g., one-time physical fights, online arguments, incidents between adults).

  • 很多攻击性行为实际上不属于霸凌(比如一次性的打斗、在线争吵、成年人之间的冲突等)

  • Cyberbullying is less prevalent than other forms of bullying.

  • 与其它形式相比,“线上霸凌行为”并不是那么常见。

  • Why it can be harmful?


    Creating the impression that bullying is a bigger problem than it is spreads misinformation, which in media reports raises many ethical and professional concerns. Some experts contend that reports depicting bullying as widespread and rapidly growing make youth and adults more likely to see it as common and less likely to try to stop it.


  • Adults accept it as part of growing up and think nothing can be done.

  • 成年人会认为这只是成长的一部分,没办法制止。

  • Youth think it is okay because “everyone does it.”

  • 孩子会认为这是无所谓的,因为“所有人都这么做”。

  • Also, when people don’t understand the actual dimension of a problem, they can make mistaken conclusions or even turn to the wrong solutions.


    Finally, the idea that bullying is “everywhere” can contribute to irrational fears that can lead some to overprotective or anxious parenting. Some studies show that anxious parenting may harm children as they grow up.


    2⃣️Stating or implying that bullying caused a suicide. The relationship between bullying and suicide is complex. Many media reports take short cuts, presenting bullying as the “cause” or “reason” for a suicide. The facts tell a different story.


    A thorough investigation usually reveals that the cause of a suicide is complex and multifacted. If bullying is involved, it is one of many factors.


    Why it can be harmful?


    Stories that say or insinuate that bullying caused a suicide can create a belief that suicide is a normal, even inevitable result of bullying. This may lead to “contagion”—additional deaths or cluster suicides that occur after heavy media coverage of the issue.


    3⃣️Oversimplifying. Journalists’ efforts to simplify complex bullying issues for readers can be unintentionally misleading. Examples of nuances the public needs to understand include:


  • The same young person can play the roles of “bully” and “victim” in different situations.

  • 同样的一个孩子可能在某些场合是霸凌行为的发出者,而在另一些场合是受害者。

  • Bullying affects all types of youth; it is not restricted to LGBT youth, although they are a higher risk.

  • 霸凌行为会影响所有孩子,而并不仅仅是LGBT(同性恋、双性恋、变性)少年,虽然他们遭受霸凌的风险较高。

  • Simple or one-time solutions (e.g., school assemblies) are not likely to work.

  • 简单、一次性的解决方案(例如家长会)不能解决问题。

  • Why it can be harmful?


    Reports that exclude nuances paint an inaccurate and incomplete picture of real-world bullying. This perpetuates myths and may lead parents, educators, and others to miss the bullying in front of them.


    Citing unrealistically simple solutions also can hinder efforts to stop bullying. When people observe that these solutions fail, they can give up trying.


    Oversimplifying can also lead to unfair anger or resentment, because it enables people to draw conclusions without the full facts. It can result in such problems as blaming a school principal or a parent for a bullying incident.


    4⃣️Using under-qualified sources. It can be difficult to identify true experts in bullying prevention, suicide, and other newsworthy topics. Spokespeople may have expertise in other areas, for example from working as educators, or from personal experience. But they can lack deep knowledge of these complex issues and lead you to misinform your audience.


    Why it can be harmful?


    Poor sources can introduce inaccuracies into reports, which readers and viewers may take as fact and share broadly. Misinformation perpetuates the problem.


    5⃣️Blaming/criminalizing those who bully. Many times youth who bully are not mentioned in media reports. Some reports paint a one-sided picture of bullying situations, quickly blaming those who bully or even portraying them as criminals. They also may blame the school.


    This may be due to laws like FERPA that prevent school officials from providing information about bullying cases. These restrictions protect youth, but make it difficult for journalists to get information about what actually happened in a specific bullying incident.The facts are:

    可能是由于《家庭教育权利及隐私法》(the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act,FERPA)等法案的限制,学校方面不能对于霸凌事件提供过多细节。这些限制保护了孩子,但是使得记者很难在某一霸凌事件中掌握事情的真相。事实上:

  • Youth who bully often have been bullied themselves.

  • 实施霸凌的孩子经常自己也遭受霸凌。

  • Bullying involves a complex dynamic between youth in groups; attributing blame can be problematic.

  • 霸凌可能是孩子的群体之间复杂互动行为的结果,随意指责会造成问题。

  • Bullying is not a crime, even when a young person involved dies by suicide.

  • 霸凌行为并不是非法的,即使其中有孩子。

  • Youth who bully need help too so they can learn to use power in appropriate ways.

  • 实施霸凌的孩子也需要得到帮助,以学会如何正确使用他们的力量。

  • Why it can be harmful?


    Portraying those who bully in a harshly negative light shuts down healthy dialogue. Parents of youth who have exhibited some bullying behaviors may be unwilling to participate in prevention. Teachers, counselors, and others also can write them off as “no good.”


    A report implying that bullying led to a suicide can create public pressure for an inappropriate criminal investigation or civil lawsuit, and even brand the youth who bullied as a “murderer.”


    Some experts fear that young people who are bullied may see suicide as a way to punish those who have bullied them.


    Blaming also may damage the entire school community, and in the case of suicide, limit or negatively impact healing.


    6⃣️Sensationalizing. Journalists must interest readers. Bullying incidents generally are not covered unless they involve serious injury, a death, many young people, or some other act that makes them newsworthy. Attention-grabbing headlines often use language that adds to the dramatic element in the coverage. Often cyberbullying stories are particularly sensational.


    Why it can be harmful?


    The emphasis on the most tragic results of bullying can encourage overprotective or anxious parenting, which studies have shown may harm children as they grow up.


    Cyberbullying is misperceived as more prevalent and threatening than facts suggest. Resulting efforts to prevent bullying may focus in the wrong place.


    Sensational stories about cyberbullying can lead adults to mistakenly blame the technology and take away access to this important social and learning tool.


    The focus on dramatic bullying events misses an opportunity for coverage of positive themes about new research findings or progress achieved through prevention.


    7⃣️Failing to include prevention information and resources. Research has not arrived at what definitely works to prevent bullying, but many media reports do not offer the public what is known.


    Media reports often focus on prevention through anti-bullying legislation and policies, or contain very general ideas instead of more specific tips for parents, schools, and youth. Also, many do not refer to quality public resources, such as StopBullying.gov.





    英国翻译及口译协会(Institute of Translation and Interpreting, ITI)认证的翻译师(MITI),认证考试阅卷人,所译文字无需公证即得到绝大多数政府及社会机构认可接受。



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