
学诚大和尚在教化部年终总结会上开示|A New Dharma Discourse by Ven. Master Xuecheng

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On Jan. 15th, the annual end-of-year meeting titled ‘calm the mind, control the mind’ for lecturers from the Longquan Education Department was held. Ven. Master Xuecheng attended the meeting and said that we should give ourselves an objective assessment regarding our study, practice and work throughout the past year. We are expected to have the wisdom and ability to feel as others feel and that there’s no distinction between the mind, Buddha, and all sentient beings. No matter how much we have done in the past, we always start off fresh each day. 

学诚大和尚开示摘要|Here are the main points from Ven. Master Xuecheng’s speech


It’s important for people who study and practice Buddhism to gain awareness and to be able to live a life that’s more alive than before.


Be someone who can observe and assess one’s own mind, who can be more aware of and conscious about one’s own mind; don't be someone who neither give directions to others nor obey others' directions.


No matter how many good deeds we have done in the past, it will become the correct condition for enlightenment. We need to keep on doing more and overcome our slackness and laziness. 


Buddha achieved paramita (perfection or completeness) through becoming fully aware of himself and others, benefiting himself and others. (Perfection means just the right point.)


We won’t get tired of helping others as long as we possess a strong Bodhi mind.


We shouldn’t be picky when it comes to studying the Dharma; having a preference over either the old or the new is not the right way. On one hand, we should actively engage with more people. On the other hand, we also need to concentrate on our own study and practice 365 days a year.


Studying Buddhism requires observation. We can’t be swayed by personal gains and losses nor can we just focus on improving ourselves without thinking about others.


Buddha Dharma is everywhere like the sun we bathe in and the air we breathe. It is to benefit all sentient beings with different abilities and natures in ways so that we can all fearlessly improve towards paramita.


Let’s feel and become more aware now that we have come before Buddha Dharma.


Source:Microblogs of Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

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