
博华寺药师佛圣诞天现七色彩虹|Bohua Temple saw Rainbow on Bodhisatva's Birthday

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The Longquan Monastery Bohua Temple in Africa held its Medicine Buddha’s Birthday Collective-practice Dharma Assembly on October 30. The rituals include chanting of Medicine Buddha Praise, Auspicious Praying to Buddha, Dharma Talks and chanting of Medicine Buddha Sutra. Both the sangha and laypeople were immersed in the joy of the Dharma and the grace of the Buddha. They also prayed to the Medicine Buddha for good fortune, long life, peace and auspiciousness for the participants. After the Assembly, a rainbow appeared in the sky, making the temple look harmonious and peaceful. The hundreds of candelabra flowers in the temple were also in full bloom, a rare sight for many years.


Source:Microblogs of Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

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