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The New Events Page

Aug 13, 2016

Photo Credit / 图片来源: Xiao Han

As wonderful and as convenient as the internet is nowadays, the essence and vibrance of an artist simply doesn’t fully translate through an .mp3 or a .jpg file. Nothing really quite compares to listening to a band in person, surrounded with like-minded music lovers; nothing is as satisfying as standing face to face with an idea that has been transformed into an impressive piece of installation art; and nothing feels as inspiring as being inches away from a painting, taking in all the details and textures of each brushstroke. With the launch of our new Events pagetoday, we hope to encourage our readers to go and experience Asia’s flourishing creative scene outside of a digital setting. These are the events that we are most excited about, and want you to know about.

随着网页的逐步更新,我们团队将会为您推荐来自亚洲各地的精彩活动,包括对我们曾经报道过的一些艺术家的最新动态,如编号223的北京摄影个展现场或The Surf Coasters在未来的演出日期安排。
With constant updates to the page, our editorial team will bring you some of the best events from all over Asia, including a few from artists whom we’ve featured in the past, such as No. 223‘s solo photography exhibition in Beijing or future concert dates for bands like The Surf Coasters.

Photo Credit / 图片来源: de Sarthe Gallery

We will also feature even more up-and-coming artists and more events that we’re personally passionate about. We hope that you will love this page as much as we do, and will find it useful when you are looking for things to do while traveling in Asia or simply need something to do.If you are organizing an event or know of one we might be interested in, you can let us know at submit@neocha.com! 

To find out more about The New Events Page, click "Read more" below.


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