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Magnets are easy to install and among the first hacks grinders try. Piercing-shop staffers typically embed a barrel-shaped neodymium variety, the size of a grain of rice, beneath the skin of a finger. The magnets are coated in bio-proof materials such as titanium nitride (used to coat replacement hips), silicone, and Teflon. When one encounters an electromagnetic field, it vibrates against the nerves, enabling the user to feel things, like power transformers and microwave ovens. They're also good bar tricks: Dangle paper clips from your finger! But use with caution. One grinder injured the tissue near his implant—by opening a pickle jar.

把磁体植入体内很容易,操纵“超能力”的人刚开始尝试机能增强术时,就试过植入磁体。穿刺的工作人员的把米粒大小、圆柱状的含钕(neodymium)磁体,嵌入手指的外皮下,并用生物保护材料包裹磁体,比如氮化钛(titanium nitride,常用于包裹人造关节)、硅胶(silicone)和聚四氟乙烯(Teflon,人工合成高分子材料,有润滑、耐磨、耐腐蚀作用)。当人遇到电磁场时,体内的磁体会跟随着一起振动,触动神经,让人能感受到电磁场的存在,和变压器和微波炉的原理类似。有了这种磁体,一些神乎其神的小把戏也能耍上啦!比如说,用一根手指吊起回形针,真像超能力有木有!但是要小心人身安全哟。一个研磨工在撬开腌菜坛时,伤到了植入磁体附近的身体组织。

2. 植入声呐,定位准过海豚

Want to sense distance like a dolphin? Bottlenose—from the hacker collective Grindhouse Wetware—creates sonar perception in an off-the-shelf kit ($60). Its dolphin-like range finder locates an object in a dark room using an ultrasonic distance sensor. It then sends electromagnetic pulses to a magnet in the user's finger, providing a sense of things like an object's size and distance. As a user moves closer to the object, the sensations grow stronger. Bottlenose can also detect radiation or the presence of ethanol, and it can pick up Bluetooth signals. A thermal infrared sensor spots warm objects—such as a stove or a clothes dryer—from up to several feet away. There are also add-on sensors for detecting things like ultraviolet light and for sensing compass headings. For people without magnet implants, a wearable magnet works just as well, delivering the same sensory vibrations outside the skin, as long as the magnet is worn within the range of the Bottlenose device.

羡慕海豚感测距离的能力吗?Bottlenose(原意为宽吻海豚),你值得拥有。它其实是由黑客云集的Grindhouse Wetware公司发明制造的,原理是在现成的设备里(只要60美元)安装一件声呐感应器。设备里有一个测距仪,长得就像萌萌的海豚君,可以凭借超声波距离传感器,在黑漆漆的房间里定位物体。然后,测距仪会发射电磁脉冲,传到使用者手指的磁体上,让人感受到物体的大小和距离。随着使用者走近这个物体,这种感觉会越来越强烈。这种设备也能检测辐射和酒精浓度,还能接收蓝牙信号。它里面也有一个热红外传感器,能感应发热物体,比如火炉和烘干机,几英尺以内都能感应到。它还附带了传感器来检测紫外线和感应方向。如果植入磁体让你感觉怕怕的,可穿戴磁体也可以让你体验一把超能力。它通过皮外振动,传递信息,不过你得戴在Bottlenose设备的发射范围内才行,不然磁体就收不到电磁脉冲咯。


We humans get lost, and finding our way usually means asking directions. For a 2014 report in the journal Consciousness and Cognition, researchers at the University of Osnabrück in Germany wanted to know if they could instead create a learned sense of direction. For seven weeks, nine male and four female subjects wore belts with 30 vibrating motors stitched onto an elastic fabric that indicated when they were facing magnetic north. The subjects biked and walked regularly. Over time, they improved their overall orientation abilities on a subcognitivelevel. “Today I stepped out of the train, and I immediately knew where I [had] to go,” subject BWP9 said. “With the belt, one does not have to always care so much whether there is a turn … one simply feels it!” Once the belts were removed, however, some users felt disoriented and insecure. Similar devices are available as kits, such as the North Paw from sensebridge.com ($149) or as free plans on instructables.com

我们经常会迷路,要找路就总得问路。2014年,在期刊《意识与认知》(Consciousness and Cognition )上,有一篇报告,记录了德国奥斯纳布吕克大学的研究成果,那儿的科学家想知道,人能不能通过后天习获得方向感。他们请9名男性和4名女性戴上特制的腰带,腰带是弹性面料做的,嵌有30个震动的小型发动机,当他们面对磁北极的时候,发动机就会开始震动。(译者注:磁北极是罗盘针指的方向,与地理上的北方呈一定的倾斜)。这些受试者之后像往常一样走路、骑车。渐渐地,他们认路的能力全面增强了,但自己却一点都没发觉。编号BWP9的受试者说:“今天一从列车上下来,我就知道该往哪边走。有了这条腰带,妈妈再也不用担心我会迷路了,因为我简直可以预感到诶....”但是,七周之后,当他们卸下腰带,一些人就失去了方向感,也没了安全感。是不是觉得很神奇?现在就有的买啦,已经有公司生产类似的成套装备,比如sensebridge.com提供的North Paw,以及instructables.com提供的免费版产品。

4. 超人夜视的技能get

The deepsea dragonfish, found in oceans of the Southern Hemisphere, swims a mile below the water's surface. A chlorophyll derivative in its eyes helps it see in the dark—or rather in a red light cast by a bioluminescent organ. In March 2015, California biohackers Gabriel Licina and Jeffrey Tibbetts wanted to try a similar derivative, Chlorin e6. They bought 100 milligrams from a medical supplier for $39. A heavy dose would have burned the eyes, so they diluted half in insulin and saline, adding the organic solvent dimethyl sulfoxide. Tibbetts pinned Licina's eyelids with specula and dosed the eyes. After two hours, Licina was able to identify people 50 feet away in a darkened area 100 percent of the time, while four control subjects had a 33 percent success rate. So far, there have been no bad side effects.

发现于南半球海洋中的深海龙鱼,游弋于水下一英里左右,它眼中的叶绿素衍生物有助于它在黑暗中看见东西,或者说,其实是它的发光器官发出的红光,让它可以夜视。在2015年3月,.林西纳(Gabriel Licina)和杰夫瑞.蒂贝茨(Jeffrey Tibbetts)想尝试用类似的衍生物,获得同样的夜视技能,二氢卟吩e6(Chlorin e6,光敏剂,可吸收光子并传递给不感光的物质)就是其中一种。在一个医疗供应商那儿,他们花了39美元购买100毫克二氢卟吩e6。如果直接使用大剂量的二氢卟吩e6会烧伤眼睛,所以他们把一半的二氢卟吩e6,放进胰岛素和生理盐水中稀释,再加进有机溶剂二甲基亚砜。蒂贝茨在林西纳的眼睑里安上反射镜,并且向其眼中注入一定剂量的上述混合物。两小时后,在黑暗中,50英尺以外的人,林西纳能把50英尺以外的人全部认得清清楚楚,而四个对照组的识别成功率则为33%。到目前为止,还没有发现该药物的不良副作用。

5. 听到Wi-Fi热点,蹭网不用愁

Imagine walking down the street, and instead of looking for that little Wi-Fi sticker on the doors of coffee shops, you could hear a hotspot's presence. London journalist Frank Swain is partially deaf. He wears Starkey Halo hearing aids that link via Bluetooth to his smartphone. Last year, a sound-engineer friend hacked his phone's software, so now it sends melodies and Geiger-counter-like clicks to his hearing aids when it detects Wi-Fi zones. “I pick up a lot more data than you might think,” Swain says. “Routers give away a lot through the pitch of their digital signals, including the brand, the type of router, the Inter­net Service Provider, whether high security or low security. I can even home in on their location using stereo.”

想象你走在街上时,就可以听到无线热点在哪,再也不用去找咖啡店门上的小Wi-Fi图标了。伦敦记者弗兰克·斯维因(Frank Swain)丧失了部分听力,他佩戴斯达克之光(Starkey Halo)助听器,助听器通过蓝牙与智能手机连接。去年,斯维因的一个音响师朋友,自行改写了他手机中的软件,感应到Wi-Fi信号时,手机就向助听器传输歌曲,还有像类似计数器的嗒嗒声。“我收集到的数据比你们想象的还要多,”斯维因说,“根据数字信号的不同音高,可以知道路由器的很多信息,包括其品牌、型号,网络服务供应商,安全性高低。我甚至可以通过立体声追踪他们的位置。”

6. Duang!手指变闪存

Computer-readable ID chips are now so small—a mere 3 mm to 6 mm long—that they can be inserted beneath the skin with the aid of a large needle. This is another simple gateway hack for grinders. Like magnets, the chips are typically implanted at piercing shops, without anesthesia, which generally requires a permit to administer. Using Radio Frequency Identification (RFID) and Near Field Communication (NFC), you can make chips operate dozens of consumer devices, such as RFID door locks. You can store data on them and transfer things like video-access codes to a friend's NFC-enabled Android smartphone—all with the simple wave of your hand.

电脑可读的ID(译者注:Indentity card 身份证件)芯片现在已经很迷你了,长度仅有3到6毫米,完全可以通过专用针管注入皮下。这也是获得超能力的一个简单途径。跟磁体植入一样,芯片一般也由专业工作人员注入,植入芯片时不打麻醉药,通常要事先写好授权书(免得出事了你找人家算账)。运用无线射频识别技术(Radio Frequency Identification,RFID)和近距离无线通信技术(Near Field Communication ,NFC),芯片可以操控不少消费型电子设备,例如射频识别门锁。芯片里可以存储数据,也可以把视频访问代码等传到朋友的安卓手机里(手机要支持NFC技术哟),只要你挥一挥手,这一切即刻搞定(科幻变成现实有木有)。


Rich Lee, a salesman and grinder from St. George, Utah, wanted true wireless headphones. So he implanted a magnet in the small prominence (known as the tragus) in front of each ear. He then hacked his smartphone to send audio into a signal amplifier that relays it to a wired “antenna” necklace around his neck. The necklace creates an electromagnetic field around Lee's head. And the field induces vibrations in the ear magnets that Lee hears as music. “The sound quality is decent, maybe comparable to a cheap set of ear buds,” Lee says. In one experiment, he connected the necklace to a small microphone attached to his heel, which senses subtle tremors in the ground. “I could detect a jogger coming up behind me on a paved road long before I could even see him,” he says.

里奇•李(Rich Lee)来自犹他州的圣乔治市,平日里是销售员,其实还是超能力的狂热粉丝,他很想拥有真正的无线耳机,不靠外部设备就可以听音频。于是,他在每只耳朵前的耳屏上放一块磁体。接着,他让他的智能手机发送音频到信号放大器上,放大器又把音频传送给他脖子上的项链,那项链上接有“天线”,项链会在他头部周围制造一个电磁场,电磁场会在耳屏上的磁体产生有规律的振动,他就听到音频啦。李说,“音质很好,可以和平常一对便宜的耳塞相媲美。”在一次试验中,他把项链和鞋跟上的麦克风连通,这样一来,地上一点细微的颤动都能感觉到。“之前在路上有个跑步的人从我后面靠近,"他说,"甚至在我还看不见他的时候,我就能觉察到了!”(传说中的顺风耳?)


Colorblind artist and musician Neil Harbisson saw the world in gray­scale for the first 21 years of his life. Then, on December 2, 2013, in a Barcelona clinic, a surgeon (operating without ethical approval) drilled four holes into the occipital bone at the base of his skull and anchored a camera. Its flexible lens arcs over Harbisson's head to just above his brow, where it captures the color of any object Harbisson is looking at; a chip inside his skull transposes the color into a frequency (red becomes the musical note F; rose becomes E); and then turns each frequency into a vibration picked up by Harbisson's inner ear. A yellow sock sounds like the G note above middle C; the blue eyes of Nicole Kidman (who he once met) sound like B. Volume relies on color saturation. Fused to his body, the camera stalk feels like a long tooth, Harbisson says. Every few months, he has to charge a small battery to power the processor, camera, actuator, and wireless systems. There is no on/off button.


9. 电击大脑,赛过霍金

Electricity shot into the brain temporarily boosts intelligence, according to academic studies and, less convincingly, to adventurous amateurs. A 2015 analysis in Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience surveyed 13 studies that showed improved brain performance through transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and random noise stimulation. The experiments used a very low current of up to 2.5 milliamps (usually corresponding to a maxi­mum 18.5 volts) for no more than 20 minutes. Subjects then completed tasks in which they showed better memory, cognitive control, and math skills. Such experiments are typically done with research-grade equipment in a lab, not performed by amateurs. But with a great deal of risk, grinders have made their own tDCS devices. Some buy them ready-made online for as little as $150. Either way, of all the questionable biohacks, definitely do not try this one at home.

电击人脑能暂时性提高智力?(别欺负我读书少哦)其实,多项科学研究及大胆尝试的外行人都已经证实了(虽然后者的说服力不强)。2015年,在期刊《恢复神经学和神经科学》(Restorative Neurology and Neuroscience)上,一篇分析报告调查了13项研究,这些研究都不约而同地表明,通过颅直流电刺激(transcranial direct current stimulation,tDCS)和随机噪声刺激(random noise stimulation)能提高脑力。这些实验用仅仅2.5毫安的电流(最高电压通常是18.5伏特),电击人脑不超过20分钟,随后受试者按要求完成任务,期间他们的记忆力、认知控制能力和数学能力都有所改善。这些实验一般都在实验室里完成,所用仪器都是科研专用的,研究人员都是科学家。超能力的业余爱好者则冒着极大的风险(搞不好变植物人啊),自己搞tDCS设备。另外一些人则网购商家生产的tDCS成品,最低只要150美元。然而不管怎样,这些不可靠的机能增强术里,就数这一条你可真的别在家里模仿!



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