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交互盒子 – 为感官与空间交互的可视化装置,其设计初衷为激活山东建筑大学建筑艺术馆3楼中厅呆板的展列空间并带来实用且宜人的改变。为了达成这一目的,采用了动态的表皮,赋予‘交互盒子’激活空间的功能;宜人的尺度可以便于实用;不可直接穿透的L型柔性空间以及非密闭的搭建形式既保证了内部空间的私密性,又使盒子内部的空间具有渗透性。


The primary purpose is to reinvigorate the hall on the 3rd floor of the CAU building of Shandong Jianzhu University and make some usable and delightful changes to the space. To realize this purpose, we made the dynamic facade so that this cube could motivate the space; suitably scaled so that it could be easily used; L-shaped into a gentle space that cannot be passed through directly so that it offers good privacy, and an open-type construction which makes the characteristics of the inner space more penetrative.


木盒的尺寸被设计为2x2x2m,是人体行为尺度的基础单位。内部柔性空间形态是为了还原人类最为原始的空间体验,人在出生以前一直经历着一个不规则的柔性空间区域。这种形态恰恰能提供给人最为放松和自然的状态。 结合人在盒子内部的行为可能,即穿行,倚靠以及静坐,我们对内部空间形态进行了优化和改良。同时确保我们在与盒子交互体验时的安全,所有锐角最小保证2CM的倒角。


The cube was designed with the scale of 2x2x2m, which is the standard unit that can fit basic human behavior scale. To give an experience of the most pristine space, the inner space was made gently curved. Because in the womb, we all live in a soft gentle curved space, and this kind of space is just the one that could make people relax and be comfortable. By studying possible human behaviors in the cube, such as walking through, leaning on, or just sitting, we also optimized and improved the shape of the inner space. At the same time, we also gave all the right corners angles a 2CM chamfer to make the cube safer to use.





Interactive Cube is a visual installation for space and sense interacting. Project Interactive Cube is an attempt to address interactive effects between installation, environment, and human beings. Actually, this installation has been built twice. The first time, Interactive Cube was designed as a giant wooden box with a sparkling LED facade. It motivated its surroundings by its expressive external and internal configuration and the dynamic LED facade. People could sit inside, plug in their music player with a standard 3.5mm audio cable, so that the LED facade of the cube could give a dynamic shape according to the rhythm. At those moments, Interactive Cube did not only constitute a kind of a landscape space, or a lighting facility, but also a message carrier between people, music and environment.


然而,不久之后,‘交互盒子’的核心电路板被盗,借此契机,我们重新思考并决定赋予其第二次生命。在第二次的重生中,Interactive Cube被重新设计成了一个可以进一步与人发生互动的装置。这一次,我们摒弃了功能相对单一的单片机,转而使用模块丰富的ARDUINO控制系统,通过超声波测距模块、红外人体感应模块和麦克风模块,建立了比第一次更复杂,更有趣的互动系统。【详见视频】在第二次生命周期中,‘交互盒子’除了具备LED灯阵列表皮可以跟随音乐频谱跳动以外,还具备与人体发生互动的功能。当人体进入人体红外感应的特定范围后,LED阵列灯启动,超声波测距模块启用用来探测人体与Interactive Cube的距离,阵列灯进入随机闪烁,当人体与‘交互盒子’的距离进入特定范围时,阵列灯将自下而上逐渐点亮,当人体与‘交互盒子’距离非常近时,麦克风模块启动,当感测到外界声波脉冲时,LED阵列灯会发生自上而下的渐变效果。反之亦然,人体离开‘交互盒子’的时候逻辑与上述逻辑顺序相反。


Not long after that, the core electric board of Interactive Cube was stolen, which made us rethink the project, and an idea came to us : "What if we built a more complex interactive system in it?". Reconceived according to this idea, the second time, Interactive Cube was designed with a much more complex interactive system with the help of an ARDUINO controller board. With the aid of several different components such as an ultrasonic unit, infrared human body detector unit, and microphone unit, we built an interactive system that is much more complex and interesting. At that moment, the Cube had not only a music-sensitive facade, but also has the ability to realize a series of interactive behaviors. When people get in range of the infrared human body detector unit, the system switches on, and its facade begin to sparkle as the ultrasonic unit searches for the object. When you get even closer, as the ultrasonic unit can detect the distance between you and the cube, the LEDs will light up, line by line, from the bottom-up. When you stand very close to the cube, the microphone units will start to collect the audio signals around the cube. Once it detects an audio pulse, the LEDs give a gradient change from upside down. In that case, vice versa when you leave the cube.












隆淳,叶化舟 以及团队其他成员。
指导老师:仝辉,夏云    (山东建筑大学)


Main Designer:  Jiang Yin, Ling Chen, Wang Yang, Bao Yingnan, Pan Ziqi,
Xu Wenkai, Yu Mingyang, Ding Fei, Wang Zhe, Liu Longchun, Ye Huazhou and other
members of  the team.
Tutor: Tong Hui, Xia Yun    (Shandong Jianzhu University)

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