
让我们做一些慈善吧! Let’s Do Some Good! Roundabout Beijing

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Today we are introducing Roundabout, one of the best known charity organizations in Beijing. 

Roundabout was established many years ago by foreign expats who have long since left Beijing but the torch has been picked up by newcomers and the charity has been growing and developing since with new projects being launched every year and new volunteers joining all the time, Chinese and foreigners.


Gail met with Mary Kate Brown to hear about Roundabout and its operations. 

我们今天要为大家介绍“众爱”,一个目前在北京最有名的慈善组织。众爱最初是由一位外籍人士在许多年前创立而成,后来随着国内外越来越多爱心人士的加入,众爱也在不断的发展壮大;现在每年都会发起新的志愿项目。在今天的节目中,Gail会和Mary Kate Brown见面,来了解下众爱这个组织以及它发起的各种活动等。

Roundabout is a social enterprise headed by volunteers. It provides free service connecting those who wish to give to those in need. Started in 2008, Roundabout was the first charity store in Chinese mainland . It now supports 48 charitable organizations across China and even Mongolia.



Roundabout offers assistance by either directly passing on items you have donated or by selling them at the organization's retail store to raise funds. 

Store proceeds pay for medical treatments for orphans and others less fortunate, shelters housing for the elderly, and relief supplies in disaster zones.



Donations come from individuals, enterprises and even schools. Sometimes, it was those who received donations themselves who become charitable donors.


For foreign expats, charity is a very important part of our life and our education growing up, and as we move to another country we often look to get involved in charity work, by doing that, we also create a sense of community and establish our social network. And of course, there is also the sense of security that if we are ever in need, there is a place we can go to. Over the years Roundabout has helped thousands of people, locals and foreigners.



Roundabout accepts almost everything, from books to clothes to furniture to musical instruments. But we know how it is, many of us would like to donate but are just too lazy to make the trip to the center.


Roundabout knows that and they wish to make the donation process as simple as possible. That is why they designed the pickup service. So just gather together the things you wish to donate and simply give them a call. Roundabout will come to you.


And if that's not simple enough for you, Roundabout is making it even easier to donate now by placing their donation boxes in company offices, apartment buildings and schools. So on your way to work every day, just stop by the box and leave your donated items.


With growing environmental awareness, there is now also a great advantage to donating items we don't use in order to protect the environment and reduce carbon footprint. Shopping for second hand items at the Roundabout store is also a great way to both save money and be an environmentally conscious consumer.



The ideas of charity, live and environmental awareness are all embodied in Roundabout's logo, and the longer you look at it the more you understand the messages inside.



Roundabout’s operation keeps getting bigger. They keep developing new programs and project all the time and open new venues where people can participate in activities and get involved.


So if everything you heard today makes you want to get off the couch and go do some good, or if you suddenly realized you have a pile of stuff in your house you wish to donate, here's is how you get in touch, get informed and get involved:



Visit the Roundabout website:



Or visit the store:

Address: Yuyang Road West, Adjacent to Yosemite Villas, Houshayu Town, Shunyi District, Beijing. 101302


Tel: +86 1371 8053 814


Opening Hours:

Monday – Saturday 9.30am – 5.30pm.


About us:

FM Lifestyle is Radio 774's new lifestyle magazine flag show.

Launched in January 2016, FM Lifestyle is an interview based daily show focusing on lifestyle, entertainment, services and creative projects around China.

Hosted by two of our lead hosts, Gail Zohar and Chloe Liu, the show combines traditional and new media platforms as well as social networks. Throughout the year Gail and Chloe will be visiting venues, attending events, meeting with entrepreneurs, innovators, chefs and artists bringing first hand experience reports, sounds and sights to our listeners in China and around the world.

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