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Although fascinated by literature, Abrahamsen chose international relations as his major at Washington State University because "I wanted to go abroad".


"But later I found there is no need to study international relations to go abroad.Youjust buy a plane ticket," he says, laughing.


"I wanted to go to China to study Chinese, so I joined in a program between our university and Minzu University of China(in Beijing)."

“当时,我想去中国学习中文,所以参加了我们学校和北京的中央民族大学(Minzu University of  China)之间的一个交换项目。”

Since 2001, Abrahamsen has been living in Beijing. He found he wasn't made to be a diplomat. He tried freelance writing, but became frustrated by the uncertainties.


As a result, Abrahamsen, a big fan of literature, finally returned to the area he loves.


After four years of Chinese study, he could read simple articles. Later, when he could read more complicated novels, he fell in love with Chinese writer Wang Xiaobo.


"I found he was deeply influenced by Western literature, judging from his language, sense of humor and thoughts," Abrahamsen says. "Western readers can easily understand him, and feel familiar. He is not only a good writer, but also a very promising writer internationally."

“从王小波的语言、幽默感和思想来看,我觉得他受西方文学影响很深。, “王小波的文章易于西方读者理解,可以引起共鸣。他不但是一位优秀的作家,还是一位受到国际认可的作家。“

But since Wang has passed away, it is hard to excite foreign publishers about his work, Abrahamsen says.


In 2008, State University of New York Press published a novella collection, Wang in Love and Bondage: Three Novellas by Wang Xiaobo. "But they did no publicity, and the translation is not good enough for me," he says. "So it created little attention in the US."

2008年,纽约州立大学出版社出版了王小波中篇小说集《王二的爱欲枷锁》,其中收录了三篇中篇小说。“但是出版社并没有做宣传工作,我觉得翻译水平也不够高,” 。“因此,该书的出版在美国几乎没有受到关注。”

Besides Wang, Abrahamsen also loves such Chinese writers as Li Juan and translated one of her essays that was published by Pathlight, an English quarterly by People's Literature Publishing House devoted to introducing Chinese literature abroad.


"Her language is very good but very hard to translate. Translation can easily kill the subtlety in her words," he says.


While writers of past generations now seem flat and old fashioned in style, there is more potential for broad acceptance in contemporary authors.


"Mo Yan's narration is creative, but his language is too exaggerated," Abrahamsen says.

“莫言的叙述形式富有创意,但是语言过于夸张。” 。

Paper Republic has bought copyrights of Liang Hong's nonfiction China in Liangzhuang, A Lai's Empty Mountain and some books by Wang Xiaobo.

纸共和国(Paper Republic,西方关注中国最具翻译价值作家的一些出版机构、翻译家成立的组织)购买了一些作品的版权,包括梁鸿的非小说类文学作品《中国在梁庄》、阿来的小说《空山》以及王小波的一些著作。

In the past 10 years, Spanish-language writers from Latin America have become very popular across the West, thanks to similarities in culture backgrounds. But African and Chinese writers face more difficulties because their cultural backgrounds are so alien to Western readers.


Western publishers also lack information about contemporary Chinese literature, he says.


"Usually they publish a Chinese novel by chance, just like Mai Jia's Decoded. There happened to be a British translator coming across the book at the airport because of a delayed flight, and the translator's grandfather happened to be a decoder.


"How many books have such a coincidence?" he says.

“又有多少书能有幸遇到这样的巧合呢?” 。







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