
博华寺大雄宝殿开光庆典 | Bohua Temple’s Great Buddha Hall Consecrated

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近日,人民网国际频道发表题为“中华落地非洲 博华寺举行大雄宝殿落成开光庆典”报道。报道中写道:中国驻博茨瓦纳特命全权大使郑竹强,来自北京龙泉寺的常住博华寺的贤双法师、贤增法师,博茨瓦纳中华协会会长南庚戌,在博侨胞信众代表,各侨团负责人,以及来自斯里兰卡、印度、泰国、越南和博茨瓦纳本地的爱好者近三百人参加大典。中国协会会长学诚大和尚为博华寺大雄宝殿亲笔题字。

Recently, the international channel of people.com.cn posted a report, entitled “Chinese Buddhism Landed on Africa & Bohua Temple Hosted the Opening and Consecration Ceremony for its Great Buddha Hall”. It was reported that Mr. Zheng Zhuqiang, Chinese Ambassador extraordinary and plenipotentiary to Botswana, Ven. Xianshuang and Ven. Xianzeng from Beijing Longquan Monastery who are now resident venerables of Bohua Temple, Mr. Nan Gengxu, president of the Association of Chinese Buddhists in Botswana, representatives of overseas Chinese followers, heads of different overseas Chinese groups and Buddhist amateurs from Sri Lanka, India, Thailand, Vietnam and local Botswana with nearly 300 people participated in this grand ceremony. Ven.Master Xuecheng, president of the Buddhist Association of China, offered an inscription for the Great Buddha Hall.


Source:Microblogs of Ven. Master Xuecheng


Translated by: Beijing Longquan Monastery Translation Center

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