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1.Aker Solutions获得Njord A升级改造的10亿挪威克朗合同。Aker Solutions将为半潜式Njord A平台(挪威北海)升级改造提供工程设计。该公司将作为Kvaerner分包合同商参与该平台的升级改造工作。Aker Solutions参与的工作的份额为10亿挪威克朗。Aker Solutions317日)

Aker Solutions secures NOK 1 billion in work for Njord A upgrade


2.中海油在Tullow将乌干达区块权益转让给Total过程中行使优先购买权。201719日,Tullow oil宣布其已经同意将其,增加9亿美元。在乌干达11A22A勘探区块中33.33%权益转让给Total 21.57%,总价9亿美元。中海油已经通知Tullow,根据TullowTotal和中海油联合作业协议,其将行使优先购买权,以相同的条款与条件收购Tullow转让给Total权益的50%Tullow将与Total和中海油最终签署销售协议。此交易还需要乌干达政府批准。energy-pedia317日) 

3. Senex Energy获得资金将加速Cooper盆地的天然气生产。Senex Energy宣布,其从南澳大利亚政府PACE天然气拨款中获得了582万美元,将加速推进Cooper盆地Vanessa气田的生产。南澳大利亚的加速勘探计划(PACE)天然气拨款方案于2016年底开始的,主要是确保该州新的与重大的天然气供应。Senex317日)

Location of Vanessa field in the Cooper Basin (Source: Senex Energy)


4. Nigerian Court Overturns Seizure Of Oilfield From Shell And EniA Nigerian court on Friday overturned a request by Nigeria's financial crimes agency to seize an oilfield from Royal Dutch Shell and Eni. In January, a court had ordered the seizure of the OPL 245 oil block and transfer of operations to the federal government on the request of the Economic and Financial Crimes Commission (EFCC). Oil companies Shell and Eni had filed motions to dispute this. The EFCC is investigating whether the $1.3 billion purchase of OPL 245 in 2011 involved "acts of conspiracy, bribery,official corruption and money laundering", according to court papers seen in January by Reuters. (路透社,rigzone 317日)


5.英国团结工会表达对Forties管道系统可能出售表示担心。英国团结工会已经表达了对BPForties管道系统出售给Ineos的担心、Pat Rafferty在一份声明中说“如果出售继续推进,我们将为保护我们成员以任何我们能的方式而战斗”。(rigzone 317日)


6. Cheniere天然气管道将STACK-SCOOP与海湾沿岸、东南地区连接在一起。Cheniere Energy, Inc已经建议修建200英里36英寸的州际天然气管道,将新兴俄克拉荷马Anadarko盆地的STACK-SCOOP资源与海湾沿岸、东南地区市场连接在一起。这是Cheniere公司周五宣布的。(rigzone 317日)


7. UK's Tullow Oil Makes $750MM Cash Call To Reduce DebtBritain's Tullow Oil Plc plans a rights issue to raise about 607 million pounds ($750 million) to cut its $4.8 billion debt burden and make investments in drilling and exploration in Latin America and Africa.(路透社, rigzone 317日)


8. Semco MaritimeMaersk Oil and Gas签署协议。Semco Maritime已经与Maersk Oil and Gas签署一项合同。这个Semco Maritime历史上最大的为期5年的合同将增加人力资源到北海作业。Semco Maritime拒绝透露合同的价格,但称这个合同对于该公司的油气业务具有战略重要意义。(rigzone 317日)


9. BP Halves Stake In New Zealand's Only Oil RefineryBP Plc on Friday said it had sold around half its roughly 20-percent stake in New Zealand Refining Company Limited for NZ$80.4million ($56.2 million) as part of a global portfolio review. BP was the largest shareholder in New Zealand's only oil refiner before it sold the stock in block trade on Thursday night at NZ$2.32 per share, stock exchange filings show, below Thursday's closing price of NZ$2.49. Shares in the company, which had been in a trading halt due to the transaction, fell 4 percent to NZ$2.39 when they resumed trading on Friday afternoon. (路透社,rigzone 317日)


10. 中国石化接近达成收购雪佛龙南非资产的协议。两位了解交易情况的消息人士透露,中国石化目前接近达成收购雪佛龙(107.68, -0.18, -0.17%)南非资产的协议,该案估值为10亿美元。消息人士称,亚洲最大的炼油商中国石化是留到最后的竞标者,接近与雪佛龙达成协议。如果交易最后落定,将成为中国石化在非洲的首个炼油资产,从而加入中国石化的全球燃料分销网络。雪佛龙在20161月首次宣布出售该业务股权的计划,其中包括出售位于开普敦一座日产能11万桶油的炼厂。雪佛龙发言人Braden Reddall表示,“对该业务75%股东权益的意向竞购还在继续”。剩余25%的权益由Black Economic Empowerment股东及一个员工信托组成的财团持有。另一位消息人士表示,第二轮竞购已于930日结束。(路透社,rigzone 317日)

11.美国油气钻机本周继续增加。本周美国油气钻机增加了21台,总数达到了789台,比去年同期增加了313台。(Bake Jughes318日)

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