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Unccious Bias: Understanding Gender Bias and its Implicati

时间:2017年1月12日 中午12:45-下午5:30

地点:北京市金桐西路10号 远洋光华国际AB座 6层 中国美国商会




  • 了解多样性和包容性的意义,以及跟中国社会的关系。

  • 了解有意识和无意识偏见这一认知过程。

  • 了解性别偏见是如何影响我们看待事物和做决定的。

  • 获得能够减弱偏见的可操作实用策略。

  • 获得核心概念和技能带回您的公司,然后做出改变。






取消报名您可以1) 发邮件到training@amchamchina.org, 或者 2) 如通过网站报名,则在线取消。



下午12:45-1:00: 来宾入场

下午1:00-5:30: 半天课程

演讲嘉宾:Em Roblin & Vivi Tian


会员(请于2017年1月5日前完成付款) 1400元

非会员(请于2017年1月5日前完成付款)  1700元


This course will be conducted in English.

We all have our own experiences, beliefs, and values that shape the way we approach and see the world. Understanding how we uncciously filter our environment helps us to make better decisi that will align with our intenti and contribute to achieving our goals. 

Research shows that gender bias has wide and deep implicati. It shapes how we interact, how we evaluate and give feedback, who we select for opportunities, and who we like. In this session, we’ll look at some fascinating research, engage in dynamic discussion and, most importantly, get practical tools you can use to assess situati and make decisi that empower others. 

Come to this half-day session prepared to reflect, share, and walk away with a renewed outlook on how to attract, develop, and advance people in your organization.

Key Objectives:

Professionals that attend can expect to: 

  • Be clear on what Diversity and Inclusion are about and how its relevant in China

  • Understand the cognitive processes of ccious and unccious bias

  • See how gender bias impacts how we evaluate situati and make decisi

  • Get actionable, practical and useful strategies that will reduce bias and contribute to an inclusive environment in the workplace

  • Take the core concepts back to your company and share to drive change

Special Registration Information: 

You must register in advance. Walk-ins will not be accepted. Attendees need to pay by Jan.5, 2017. Limited spots are available and attendance is given on a first-come, first-served basis.

Cancellation Policy: 

If you cannot attend a training for which you have registered, please cancel your registration no later than five business days prior to the training. 

If you fail to notify AmCham China of your cancellation in a timely fashion, you will be charged for training costs. 

To cancel you can: 1) email training@amchamchina.org, or 2) cancel online if you registered for the training through the website. 

Your cooperation in this matter supports AmCham China in maintaining the quality of its trainings and is appreciated by your fellow members and the organization.

Click on “read more” for more details. 

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