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2016年11月9日军事医学科学院生物工程研究所梁龙研究员课题组和泰山医学院史卫峰教授课题组联合在Scientific Reports杂志在线发表了流感病毒进化最新研究成果“Ecological dynamics of influenza A viruses: cross-species transmission and global migration”,该论文完成了目前最大规模数据集的甲型流感病毒生态动力学分析研究,探索揭示了流感病毒的跨宿主传播模式和跨地域迁移规律。






该研究受到国家“973”、国家自然科学基金、北京市科委等项目资助。军事医学科学院生物工程研究所任洪广博士为该文章第一作者。军事医学科学院生物工程研究所梁龙研究员、岳俊杰副研究员、泰山医学院史卫峰教授为本文通讯作者。其中史卫峰教授、梁龙研究员和任洪广博士曾共同参与我国2014-2015西非埃博拉疫情攻关研究任务,并作为并列第一作者在Nature杂志发表题为Genetic diversity and evolutionary dynamics of Ebola virus in Sierra Leone的学术论文.

Ecological dynamics of influenza A viruses: cross-species transmission and global migration


A comprehensive study of cross-species transmission and inter-regional migration would provide insights into the global ecology of influenza A viruses (IAVs). To this end, we assembled 17,241 non- redundant IAV whole-genome sequences with complete epidemiological information. We hierarchically divided the movements of IAVs into the cross-species transmission in each region and the inter-regional migration driven by each host species. We then systematically identified the potential cross-species transmission and inter-regional migration events. Cross-species transmission networks were obtained for each gene segment of the IAVs. Waterfowl, domestic birds and swine showed higher degrees of connection than did other species in all of the transmission networks. East Asia and Southeast Asia were hot regions for avian-mammal transmissions. Swine and migratory birds were the dominant species for global virus delivery. The importance of swine was reemphasized because it has not only provided an environment for adaptive evolution during the avian-human transmission of IAVs (as incubators) but also served as a key species for the global dissemination of the viruses (as carriers). Therefore, monitoring the global live trade of swine and survey of migratory birds along flyways would be beneficial for the prevention and control of IAVs. 


Ren Hongguang, etc., Ecological dynamics of influenza A viruses: cross-species transmission and global migration. Scientific Reports, 2016, 6, 36839

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